Religious Education
Lent Term Parent RE letter 2024
Advent Term Parent RE letter 2023
Learning in RE is at the Centre of the curriculum, with10% of curriculum time dedicated to the teaching of RE.
Lessons are based on the Diocesan-approved Scheme of Work, Come and See, which explores a series of topics progressing across the year and developing religious knowledge and understanding as children move through the school. The overview of these topics can be found here. Come and See Curriculum found here: Come and See RE Curriculum
Each unit of work follows the ‘explore’, ‘reveal’, ‘respond’ structure to delve into scripture, understand the message and respond in our lives.
Children understand what they are learning about from the clear and consistent planning of each lesson ‘Learning Focus’ which are broken down into clear target steps so that pupils recognise the key learning ‘driver words’ (targets) for each lesson). All planning is based on the End of Year Expectations for each year group set out by our Diocese, with areas of learning broken into three strands:
AT1-HEAD-what we learn from the scripture, content
AT2-HEART-how we can live this out in our lives
AT3-CLOUD-what we wonder about and pose questions in response to scripture
All lessons begin with quiet reflection, focused on the prayer table, candle and religious icon which bring the focus of the learning to the heart of the classroom.
Children practise their scripture detective skills to unpick the message of the Word and how we can live this out in our lives. ‘Big Questions’ are posed at the beginning of topics to unpack learning and develop enquiry and spiritual development.
During the year, we have dedicated time to learn about other world religions such as Judaism, Islam, Sikhism or Hinduism. Within the Autumn term, we focus on Judaism with visitors invited in to discuss the symbols and icons which support their religion during the summer term, we have a timetable of religions which each class focuses on. This can be found here.