Our Mission Statement
We see the light of Jesus in the eyes of those we work, play and pray with every day.
We give thanks for our wonderful family.
Like St Teresa, we always try to do the little things well.
We see the light of Jesus in the eyes of those we work, play and pray with every day.
We give thanks for our wonderful family.
Like St Teresa, we always try to do the little things well.
The latest Wednesday Word can be found here.
At St Teresa’s, our mission is to transmit the Catholic faith to the pupils, staff and families which our school serves. Our mission statement is at the heart of all we do, placing the children firmly at the centre and providing opportunities for every child to encounter Christ and deepen their relationship with Him.
Scripture runs through our school environment with the highest level of care taken to produce work to support our religious understanding. Each classroom displays a prayer focus area, with appropriate coloured cloth to the colours of the liturgical year and relevant religious icons. Our shared areas and classrooms inspire our pupils to live out the mission statement with murals, poetry and art work, to help us to ‘do the little things well’ as St Teresa taught us.
Throughout the year, all children participate in a variety of events to support the most vulnerable members of our local, national and global community. We demonstrate the principles of Catholic Social Teaching by collecting donations for the food bank and warm clothes for local shelters. We also support a range of charities such as Cafod and Mission Together in their mission to support the poor and in need. In times of crisis, our pupils have organised and led their own fundraising activities such as cake sales.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Friend of all children,
bless our school here in Aspley
Bless the pupils
and teachers
who work in it.
Help us all to do our best.
Help us to be kind
to one another
and be cheerful
throughout this day.
God our Father,
Give us strength so that, guided by Our Lady’s example,
we can have the courage to say yes to You.
Help us to love like she loves, has faith like she has
and follow Jesus’ example in all that we do.
Inspire in all of us a sense of togetherness, so that we can use the gifts you have given us for the good of all in our community and bring support and healing to those less fortunate than ourselves.
We ask Our Lady to guide us, just as she guided St. Bernadette,
as we seek to bring Jesus’ message of love and forgiveness to others.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.